4 Simple Ways to Reduce Your Electric Bill in Ethiopia

Keeping your Electric Bill down Lately, our electricity bill has gone way up, with a few minor adjustments on how we operate our appliances we can lower the costs down to a reasonable cost.

Keeping your Electric Bill down Lately, our electricity bill has gone way up, with a few minor adjustments on how we operate our appliances we can lower the costs down to a reasonable cost. In Ethiopia, we have only one company providing electricity therefore the option to switch providers is not available.

Keep your fridge and freezer full While most people insist on keeping the fridge door to save on electricity, they neglect to mention that keeping your fridge and freezer full can also help save money. With a full freezer or fridge, the food often acts as insulation, therefore, reducing the amount of time that the fridge will run to stay cool. Switch to LEDs By using LED light bulbs, you will save 90 percent of the energy that the luminescent bulbs use.

Replace the mostly used luminescent bulbs with LED light bulbs. Luminescent bulbs are also known to have a shorter life span. Lower your hot water heater temperatures Did you know that 13- 18 percent of your home’s electricity bill comes from the water heating system? By setting the heater at a lower degree you will be saving more. Remember to turn your water heater off when not in use. Install a low-flow restrictor that will help restrict the amount of hot water used.

Top-notch insulation helps lower heating bills Kitchen Tips Cooking creates a lot of heat and during the warm season your house can feel like an oven and for those with air conditioners, they are. Therefore it is important that instead of using the stove to heat liquids, use the microwaves. Eating more fruits and salads will also reduce microwave use while ensuring you remain healthy.

If you have to bake, do it at night when it’s cooler outside then open the windows to fan out the heat. Thawing your food before cooking not only saves time but also reduces the amount of heat used to ensure it fully cooks. When cooking, keep the lids on that way it will enable the food to be cooked efficiently and avoid unnecessary heat from escaping.

Unplug appliances that are not in use. Most times we live appliances still plugged, therefore, wasting energy.

If you are still not able to reduce your electric cost using these recommendations, one of our 100 vetted and trained electricians can come to inspect and consult on how to reduce it. Call 8191 and your electrician will be in your home in less than 1 hour.